悉數 無くなるとか 嫌だ
Because the street is burning owing to the setting sun
せめて 心は 消えないでいて 忘れないでいて
Please at least let my heart remain here; I won’t let anyone forget my heart
His life was accidentally broken
I don’t want to lose everything
I rush back, as if I were running away
(また一つ)x2 本日が終わりを迎えてく
He was another body that was deserted after being used
ある日 暴れ出す波に飲まれて
(何一つ)x2 逆らうことも許さず
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意味もなく 消えてゆく命
(何一つ)x2 後のことは知らされず
全部 無くなるとか 嫌だ
Everyone will be broken by that kind of world someday
What are the sky翻譯社 the earth, the sea翻譯社 and the wind thinking about?
One day翻譯社 a person was swept away by stormy waves
His life became meaningless and faded away
せめて 心は 消さないでいて 忘れさせないで
いつか 誰もが 壊れてしまうそんな世界で
朝が 来るかなんて分からないのに
Even if my body won’t be left in the world
(Any)x2 disobedience is not allowed
不意に 壊れる命
街が 夕日に焼かれていくから
So I believe my eyes are blocked
Riding the machine made to enable one to live comfortably
I can’t tell if morning comes
Lyricist:Kazuki Composer:Reiya
I don’t want to lose everything
He could never learn what happened after his death
(また一つ)x2 使って捨てられる身体
Please at least let my heart remain here; please at least don’t forget my heart
(Another)x2 today is coming to an end
That another man is gone?
空は この地は 海は風は何を想うの
楽に 生きる為の機械に乗って
本文出自: http://emily022.pixnet.net/blog/post/392193919-%E3%82%B6%E3%82%A2%E3%82%B6%E3%82%A2-%28xaa-xaa%29%E2有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢萬國翻譯