我固然非常但願人人都能具有健康的身體和康樂的糊口,但假如你有這方面的需要或想解決這方面的困擾。讓我為你推薦這一位好醫師 : 吳昭慶 醫師
◎ 進修: · 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校 ◎ 現職: 今朝腿部以下的痠痛麻已經好了約95%,只剩下手術後的傷口和腰部無力及些許的疼痛,相信不久就會恢復以往的健康活力翻譯 脊椎椎間盤凸出,俗稱骨刺,只要你活得夠久就極有可能趕上,那是一種退化現象,跟著年齒增加骨質老化退化和姿式的不准確,都有可能造成脊椎椎間盤凸出,只是它有沒有造成影響
· 國立陽明大學醫學系 · 台北榮總 神經外科 主治醫師 |
1. Chen YC翻譯社 Wu JC, Chen TJ翻譯社 Wetter T. A publicly available database dramatically accelerates academic production. BMJ 2011/01/13. [SCI]
[ PMID:21285219 ]
2. Chen YC, Yeh HY翻譯社 Wu JC, Haschler I, Chen TJ, Wetter T. Taiwan's National Health Insurance Research Database: Administrative health care database as study object in bibliometrics. Scientometrics 2011;86:365-80. [SCI][SSCI]
[ Online version ]
3. Tu TH, Wu JC*, Huang WC翻譯社 Guo WY, Wu CL, Shih YH, Cheng H. Heterotopic ossification after cervical total disc replacement: Determination by computed tomography and effects on clinical outcomes. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine [SCI]
[ PMID:21294610 ]
4. Wu JC翻譯社 Liu L, Chen YC, Huang WC, Chen TJ翻譯社 Cheng H. Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament in the cervical spine: An eleven-year comprehensive national epidemiology study. Neurosurgical Focus 2011;30(3):E5. [SCI]
[ PMID:21434821 ]
5. Meyer SA, Wu JC*翻譯社 Mummaneni PV. Laminoplasty Outcomes: Is there a difference between patients with degenerative stenosis versus those with the ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament? Neurosurgical Focus 2011;30(3):E9. [SCI]
[ PMID:21361755 ]
6. Meyer SA, Wu JC翻譯社 Mummaneni PV. Mini-Open and Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Technique Review. Seminars in Spine Surgery 2011;23(1):45-50. [OVID]
[ Online abstract ]
7. Wu JC, Huang WC, Chen YC, Tu TH, Tsai YA, Huang SF, Huang SC翻譯社 Cheng H. Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor for Repair of Human Spinal Cord Injury: A Clinical Trial. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 2011. [SCI] (accepted)
8. Upadhyaya CD翻譯社 Wu JC*翻譯社 Haid RW, Traynelis VC, Tay B翻譯社 Coric D翻譯社 Trost G, Mummaneni PV. Analysis of the Three FDA-IDE Cervical Arthroplasty Trials. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 2011. [SCI] (accepted)
9. Upadhyaya CD, Wu JC*, Chen TC, Balamurali G翻譯社 Mummaneni PV. Avoidance of Wrong Level Thoracic Spine Surgery: Intraoperative Localization with Preoperative Percutaneous Fiducial Screw Placement. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 2011. [SCI] (accepted)
10. Chen YC, Wu JC*, Liu L, Chen TJ翻譯社 Huang WC, Cheng H. Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt in Children and Inguinal Hernia: A Nationwide Cohort with Eight-Year Follow-Up. Pediatrics 2011. [SCI] (accepted)
1. Chen YC, Chen TJ翻譯社 Wu JC. What if access to medical service is nearly free? "Self-referral" patterns exist in free market system and vary by disease. BMJ 2010/12/13. [SCI]
[ Response, electronic version ]
2. Lee CC翻譯社 Wu JC, Huang WC, Shih YH, Cheng H. Herpes zoster cervical myelitis in a young adult. Journal of Chinese Medical Association 2010;73:605-10. [SCI]
[ PMID:21093831 ]
3. Potts M, Wu JC*翻譯社 Gupta N, Mummaneni PV. Minimally invasive tethered cord release in adults: a comparison of open and mini-open approaches. Neurosurgical Focus 2010;29(1):E7 [SCI] [SCI]
[ PMID:20594005 ]
4. Ko CC翻譯社 Tsai HW, Huang WC翻譯社 Wu JC*, Chen YC, Shih YH, Chen HC翻譯社 Wu CL, Cheng H. Screw loosening in the Dynesys stabilization system: radiographic evidence and effect on outcomes. Neurosurgical Focus 2010;28(6):E10. [SCI]
[ PMID:20568916 ]
5. Wu JC, Mummaneni PV. Using lumbar interspinous anchor with transforaminal lumbar interbody fixation. World Neurosugery 2010;73:471-2. [SCI]
[ PMID:21093831 ]
6. El-Sayed IH翻譯社 Wu JC*, Ames CP, Balamurali G, Mummaneni PV. Combined transnasal and transoral endoscopic approach to the craniovertebral junction. Jnal lumbar interbody fixation. Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine 2010;1:44-8. [PubMed]
[ PMID:20890414 ]
7. Wu JC, Huang WC翻譯社 Mummaneni PV. Prestige cervical arthroplasty Techniques in orthopaedics 2010;25:108-13. [OVID]
[ Online abstract ]
1. Fay LY, Wu JC*, Huang WC, Shih YH翻譯社 Cheng H. One-stage posterior resection is feasible for a holovertebral aneurysmal bone cyst of the axis: a case report and literature review. Surgical Neurology 2009;72:s80-5 Reivew [SCI]
[ PMID:19944829 ]
2. Wu JC翻譯社 Huang WC, Huang MC, Tsai YA翻譯社 Chen YC, Shih YH, Cheng H. A novel strategy for repairing preganglionic cervical root avulsion in brachial plexus injury by sural nerve grafting. Journal of Neurosurgery 2009;110:775-85. [SCI]
[ PMID: 19119881 ]
1. Wu JC, Huang WC, Chen YC翻譯社 Shih YH, Cheng H. Stabilization of subaxial cervical spines by lateral mass screw fixation with modified Magerl's technique. Surgical Neurology 2008;70(S1):25-33. [SCI]
[ PMID:19061767 ]
2. Wu JC, Huang WC, Cheng H翻譯社 Liang ML, Ho CY, Wong TT, Shih YH翻譯社 Yen YS. Endoscopic transnasal transclival odontoidectomy: a new approach to decompression: technical case report. Neurosurgery 2008;63(1):ONSE92-4. [SCI]
[ PMID:18728615 ]
3. Lee MJ, Chen CJ Cheng CH翻譯社 Huang WC, Kuo HS, Wu JC, Tsai MJ翻譯社 Huang MC, Chang WC, Cheng H. Combined treatment using peripheral nerve graft and FGF-1: changes to the glial environment and differential macrophage reaction in a complete transected spinal cord. Neuroscience Letter 2008;433:163-9. [SCI]
[ PMID: 18291581 ]
4. Wu JC, Huang WC翻譯社 Tsai YA, Chen YC, Cheng H. Nerve repair using acidic fibroblast growth factor in human cervical spinal cord injury: a preliminary phase I clinical study. Journal of Neurosurgery Spine 2008;8:208-14. [SCI]
[ PMID: 18312071 ]
◎ SCI論文發表
· 陽明大學 醫學院 講師
此次很榮幸的趕上吳昭慶 醫師 幫萬國翻譯公司醫治這讓我痛苦悲傷許久的脊椎椎間盤凸出。
這時候你就需要一位耐心細心且自信的醫師來為你診治,透過精密的儀器 “核磁共振’’來透視審閱
· 美國加州大學舊金山分校醫學中心
(University of California, San Francisco)
特別為大家介紹一位好醫師 :
◎ 學歷:
台北榮總 神經外科 主治醫師 吳昭慶 醫師 Jau-Ching Wu翻譯社 M.D.
· 美國杜克大學醫學中心
(Duke University Medical Center, Durham)
· 國立陽明大學醫學院藥理學研究所博士班
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